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Bilingual Connections

Expedition Camp

Galiano Island

B. Columbia


Bilingual Program is a Camp devoted to a full inter cultural exchange experience. We gather campers from +15 different countries and create a fabolous mix of experiential learning practices to develop tolerance, understanding, environmental resposibility, etc.


The west coast port of British Columbia, and one of Canada’s most gorgeous cities. A very ethnically diverse city. A vibrant population known for its great natural attractions suchs as the world acclaimed Stanley Park. Also a favourite setting for movie filming, with those snow peaked mountains. Vancouver is like a gigant playground with so many outdoor activities to offer. Vancouver is surrounded by water from three sides and the weather is milder than other regions of Canada, due to the Pacific Ocean currents that keep it mild and damp.

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Sessions start on:

    Jul 1 - 21, Jul 23 - Aug 12

Age Range

From        to        years old




Camper / Staff Ratio

1 to 8

Max Capacity

35 campers/session

Session´s length

2 weeks

Camp Operating Since


Gender Orientation


Camp different options:

Other Activities at Camp

Overnight Hikes, Campfires

Specific Workshops

Native-Heritage Environmental-Awareness Global-Citizenship, Communication Games


Sechelt Inlet Vancouver

Night activities

Star Gazing Story Telling Campfire Night games

Landscapes at Camp (117).jpg
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Free Pre-Registration

Enroll to Camp - No Commitment

Prefered starting date(s):
Camp Session´s length preference:
Prefered Profile Activities

Thank you for pre-registering for Camp through ICN.

Please expect an email within the next 12 - 24 hrs.

It will provide you with further information to complete the registration process.

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